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Flexible, creative, sculptural responses inform the individual experience in our sculpture curriculum.

Courses use sculpture to encourage an open exchange of ideas, to facilitate communication, and to nurture discovery through play and research.

Our courses also introduce computer-aided design with a fabrication component to facilitate the transformation from digital concept to the real world. Critiques and discussions are a major part of the sculpture curriculum. SMFA’s facilities support a broad range of material fabrication techniques from forging to resin-casting to 3D printing.

Sample Courses

SCP 0031 - 3D Foundations
This class serves as an introduction to a range of important technical processes located in the various shops and sculpture facilities and to a variety of basic construction techniques including welding, woodworking, plaster mold-making and casting.

SCP 0141 - Sculptural Weaving
Experiment with non-traditional and traditional weaving materials and methods to learn
how to manipulate the form as a structural tool.

SCP 0105 - Beginning Sculpture
This class introduces students to contemporary concepts, theories, materials, and methodologies for making sculpture.

SCP 0022 - Kinetic Sculpture
This course offers students an opportunity to explore the delights and complexities of movement as an added dimension in their art.

SCP 0103 - Digital Fabrication Lab
Designed for makers of all types, the focus of the course will be drawing, modeling, and building a three-dimensional physical form from digital designs.

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