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Artwork by Alyssa Pomfrey
Be An Angel
Artwork by Alyssa Pomfrey
It is what I say it is
Chair, Cinder Block, Boxing Hand Wraps, Weight Plates, 2018
Artist statement

Looking Good, Feeling Better

Alyssa Pomfrey's work investigates self-perception through ideas of weight (body weight and the weight of painting), with particular reference to her white-suburban female identity. In Looking Good, Feeling Better, Pomfrey uses her body as a tool by combining elements of expressive painting, installation, and video performance. In doing so, she is able to use painting and sculpture to find alternative modes of fitness while simultaneously occupying a place of tension between struggle and strength. Pomfrey is interested in body image, the fitness industry, and the sociological understanding of the self, specifically when it comes to women and athletics. Within her work, she explores the question, "What are we carrying as individuals, and what does it look like?"

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