Sofia Plater
My primary inspiration comes from witnessing the free-forming textures and structures that exist and grow in the environment—the architecture of raw nature. I strive to imitate nature by referencing the organic systems and processes through which life grows. By employing an element of the hidden, my work aims to entice viewers to closely investigate the different material components within these systems.
This body of work features designs that resemble naturally growing forms but are mostly composed of human-made and mass-produced materials—representing the real and the synthetic intertwined. I utilize manufactured materials and by-products that are destined to inhabit landfills as a means of creating art. The materials are scavenged from the garbage, recycle centers, abandoned properties, and dumps. I'm drawn to human-made elements that contain the identities of commercial and industrial substance. In a way, the parts are concurrently recognizable and anonymous. Through these representations of natural structures, my work intends to bring awareness to the fragility of nature and how our consumeristic society is affecting the planet.