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Artwork by Yuting Weng
Video Still, 2017
Artwork by Yuting Weng
Animation Still, 2017
Artist statement

Yuting's videos mainly focus on individual-society relationships. Although people are created equally and supposedly "live free," all of us are still beholden to many restrictions, tied to traditionalism and varying rules imposed by social groups and promoted across mass media. These restrictions could easily cloud our eyes, ground our minds, and limit our freedom. 

Her videos are born to present this individual-society dilemma. She is interested in how an individual interacts with society by exploring both exterior phenomenon and interior, unconscious reactions to basic, but important, everyday biological stimulations. Her works discuss individual relationships with larger groups or society. As an individual, interactions with a group or the entire society transform into a series behaviors and determinations. This work presents how modern, urban lifestyle and society affects each individual. It will also examine and reflect on the way we live. In these times of extreme hypocrisy, people being the same or being others.

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