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Artist Statement

I am a South African–born Taiwanese artist who works at the point where the digital meets the physical world. I am fascinated by the "untold story," and the subjects of my work often go unnoticed in the everyday stream of information and imagery, of which includes the complicated facets of rhino poaching. The physical object (the QR code blanket) on view in the gallery is multipurpose and rooted in practicality. At the closing of the exhibition, I will donate the blankets to rhino orphanages where they will be used by the rhino orphans. The QR code is a tool to take the viewer to the digital world, where the true content and subject matter of rhino poaching is explored. Through the use of evocative, visually striking imagery, I aim to evoke an emotional reaction within my viewer that includes but is not limited to sorrow, empathy, love, and anger. I explore the narratives of the poacher, the rhino, the ranger, the conservationist, the consumer, and the environment in which poaching takes place through the lens of acceptance (instead of fear). The illustrations serve to appeal to the inner child in my viewers—an invitation to play with, touch, and experience the world from shifting perspectives.

Instagram: @kimothywuart

Personal website:

Artwork by Kimothy Wu - Homepage Illustration
Digital Illustration, 2020
Artwork by Kimothy Wu - Illustrated Poem Segment 1
Digital Illustration, 2020
Artwork by Kimothy Wu - Illustrated Poem Segment 2
Digital Illustration, 2020
Artwork by Kimothy Wu - Illustrated Poem Segment 3
Digital Illustration, 2020
Artowk by Kimothy Wu - Trans-species Blanket
Wool blanket and QR code, 2020
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