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Student Life provides services, resources, and support systems to strengthen student life and build community, both on the SMFA campus and on the Medford/Somerville campus. 

Our SMFA-based Student life Team works closely with the larger Tufts Office of Student Life for the Schools of Arts and Sciences and Engineering so our students are fully supported on both campuses.

Our highly-trained staff are experienced at counseling students on a variety of matters pertaining to student life and personal matters.

We also strive to enrich your educational experience outside the classroom, and provide a range of co-curricular programs, services, and opportunities meant to promote artistic, personal, and professional development.

We are here to help build community. Whether you’re having a coffee in the atrium between classes, making work in the animation studio, looking for next steps to further your practice, or attending the opening of an exhibition, you’ll be surrounded by people who know your name.

View Resources for SMFA Students on the Tufts Student Life Website.

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Our Student Life team works with a number of Campus Partners to support students in the following areas:

SMFA Student Life Contacts

SMFA Office: 617-627-0050
Medford Office: 617-627-3158

Associate Dean for SMFA Student Life
Student Services Coordinator


Associate Director for SMFA Student Life
Assistant Director for SMFA Student Life
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