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Graduates of the Combined Degree program receive two degrees within five years: a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science.

Students mustĀ fulfill the foundation, distribution and concentration requirements of a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree in the Tufts School of Arts and Sciences, in addition to the SMFA's BFA requirements.

Combined Degree (BFA + BA/BS) Graduation Requirements

Studio Art 76 credits
Art History 15 credits
College Writing English 1 and 2, or equivalent
Foreign Language / Culture Option Part 1 Proficiency in a foreign language through third semester level or equivalent
Foreign Language / Culture Option Part 2 3 additional language or culture courses (minimum 3 credits each)
World Civilizations 3 credits
Humanities 6 credits
Social Science 6 credits
Natural Science 6 credits
Mathematical Science 6 credits
Major Requirements

10-12 courses (units vary by major)

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